Lenten Booklet

Lenten Booklet 2022 Call for Submissions

This year’s Lenten Booklet Theme is “Holiness in the ordinary.” We typically associate holiness with our Sanctuary, the Bible, prayer and liturgy and perhaps saints. In observance of Lent and Holy Week 2022, let’s contribute our thoughts and meditations, memories, favorite poems, song lyrics about holiness outside of the church as well. Where have you encountered God? Please submit a page (250 words or less) by February 11 to jennie@stanneslincoln.org. Need help? Contact Joan Perera, Kay Peterson, or Al Rossiter.

"The Ultimate Transition" — Lenten Devotion for April 9 (Caroline McNerney)

"The Ultimate Transition" — Lenten Devotion for April 9 (Caroline McNerney)

“My mother, my four siblings, and I were gathered around my father on my parent’s bed, waiting anxiously for the hospice nurse to show up. Dad was struggling for breath and could not speak. He was dying and was clearly in great pain and distress. We sang his favorite hymns, talked of what a wonderful father he was, told him how much we loved him. He understood everything we said, but was unable to respond.”

"Transitions" — Lenten Devotion for April 7 (Joan Perera)

"Transitions" — Lenten Devotion for April 7 (Joan Perera)

“I spend some time in the summer at the Cape. The house has a covered, but open porch, and I love to spend time in an Adirondack chair reading a book or watching the clouds roll by. Also enjoying the hospitality of the porch is a family of finches. They set up housekeeping each June in a cozy spot under the protective roof of the porch. I watch as both male and female bring twigs and fluff to shore up last year’s home.”

"A Year in the Middle East" — Lenten Devotion for April 3 (Kay Peterson)

"A Year in the Middle East" — Lenten Devotion for April 3 (Kay Peterson)

“In 2004-2005, I moved to Kuwait with my young family. It was a year of many transitions for me. There were obvious changes: leaving New England for a desert climate of almost constant sunshine and heat; a calendar of feasts and fasts that rotated around Islam and the phases of the moon; weekends that began on a Friday, the Muslim holy day, and ended with work and school on Sunday mornings.”

"500 Words or Fewer" — Lenten Devotion for April 2 (Abby Mueller)

"500 Words or Fewer" — Lenten Devotion for April 2 (Abby Mueller)

“As a senior applying to college, this fall and early winter were a flurry of essay writing, emailing schools, and eventually submitting applications. The supplemental essays I wrote presented a new challenge. I had to convey a sense of who I was in 500 words or fewer? Or only 150? There was a lot of frustration, sighs, and complaining on my part.”