Pastoral Care
When to call a priest
In a crisis
Any parishioner may call at any time during the day or night, seven days a week, in the event of a pastoral crisis such as a death in the family, serious illness, an accident, or any other pastoral emergency. Please call our main phone line and press 4 for further instructions.
If possible, a priest should be called whenever someone is near death in order to administer Ministration at the Time of Death and pray with the family.
in other situations
Please call the church office at St. Anne’s at (781) 259-8834 when someone:
is ill or hospitalized.
is experiencing distress and needs pastoral care.
wants to discuss spiritual or theological matters.
has reason to celebrate.
wishes to talk in order to gain spiritual comfort.
These are all moments for pastoral care.
Parish prayer list
To add someone (yourself, a loved one, or a friend) to the prayer list, fill out a prayer request card found in the pews and drop it in the offering plate or email Jennie Cook. We often review and update this list, so if you would like a name reinstated or added, please let Jennie know.
Intercessory Prayer Group
This group of committed parishioners meets and prays through both the parish prayer list and a confidential list. If you would like to add someone to the confidential list, please so indicate on a prayer request card found in the pews or email Nancy Torti.
Reconciliation of a Penitent
In the Episcopal tradition, we make a public and corporate confession of sin each time we celebrate the Holy Eucharist. Sometimes people feel a situation warrants making an explicit, private confession of sins to a priest so to seek absolution. Please contact a member of the clergy directly to schedule this sacrament. See The Book of Common Prayer (p. 447) to learn more.
House Blessing
Occupying a new home can be a joyous occasion. The clergy of St. Anne’s are available to help sanctify your new home by offering a blessing on behalf of the church.
If convenient, prayers for the several rooms of the house may be offered. The priest, with members of the household and others, moves from room to room saying a prayer over each space. House blessings may conclude with light refreshments for any guests who participate in the celebration.
Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child
The clergy of St. Anne’s are always delighted to come to the hospital the day of or after childbirth to offer a brief service of thanksgiving. It is particularly appropriate to include any siblings and close family members in this joyous occasion.
Pastoral Care Team
Additionally, we have a Pastoral Care team that coordinates a variety of ministries, including:
Meals for the infirm
Prayer blankets
Rides to church
Blue Christmas service
For more information on Pastoral Care at St. Anne’s, please contact the Rev. Garrett Yates.