All Saints' Sunday - Garrett Yates (11/3/19)

“When you were a young kid, did you ever stand on your head? My sisters and I would have competitions, and we’d laugh and giggle at how funny the world looked upside-down, as the trees grew down, not up. You’d have your feet raised toward the blue lawn of the sky. You’d get a little dizzy, but the world was so interesting from that vantage point. You saw things differently. In the Sermon on the Mount—or the Sermon on the Plain, as Luke has it—Jesus invites his hearers to stand on their heads, to see the world upside-down.” Garrett preaches on the Beatitudes on the Sunday after All Saints’ Day.

Lectionary Readings:
Daniel 7:1-3,15-18
Psalm 149
Ephesians 1:11-23
Luke 6:20-31