Lent 4 - Kate Elledge (3/31/19)

“If you’re in Sunday School normally, what do you call that? ‘The Loving Father,’ I love that. What did the rest of us learn the title of this was? ‘The Prodigal Son,’ exactly. And how fitting is it? It’s not really the prodigal son’s story, is it? This is a parable about a dutiful son. But of course the younger son got the title, just like he got the party, and the fatted calf, and the ring and the sandals and the father’s love and attention. Is that fair? No! Admit it! It’s not fair at all.” Kate preaches on the Fourth Sunday in Lent.

Lectionary Readings:
Joshua 5:9-12;
2 Corinthians 5:16-21;
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32;
Psalm 32

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