Thank You from St. Stephen's

This fall, we offered St. Stephen’s Youth Programs (SSYP) individual school supply kits for B-READY, the homework club on site at St. Stephen’s. Thanks to all who generously gave pens, markers, scissors, and special-addition-this-year: earbuds. Additionally, we are participating in the new groceries gifts program serving SSYP families on Fridays, named B-LOVE. As always, your thoughtful contributions to the families in the South End and Blackstone Elementary neighborhood of St. Stephen’s are appreciated!

THANKS to St. Anne's for assembling the boxes of individual school supplies. We have been using them for two weeks and they are a big hit.  AND the separate materials help to keep everyone safe and healthy. 

Please share our gratitude with everyone who helped fund and put these boxes together. We are so grateful! 

St. Stephen's Youth Programs 

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