New Year Opportunity: Exploring Systemic Racism Workshop

Exploring Systemic Racism and Its Implications for Our Lives and Community

What and Why

Learn and apply a framework for understanding, identifying, and communicating about “race,” systemic racism, and white supremacy in the U.S.

With a shared vocabulary, framework, and foundation of antiracist practice, we can explore how to engage in productive and effective antiracism work.


Saturday, January 9, 2021 from 9am-4:30pm with a 1-hour lunch break. Sign up here by December 20.


Led by Donna Bivens and Paul Marcus of Community Change and sponsored by the Racial Justice Allies Group of St. Anne’s in-the-Fields. Learn more about Community Change and their approach.


• Explore our own individual experiences of “race,” systemic racism, and white supremacy.
• Examine the meaning and role of anti-racism in our life and communities.
• Normalize discussing and addressing issues of “race” and systemic racism.
• Look at next steps in our antiracist journeys.

Where and How

Zoom. Please use a laptop or desktop (not a smartphone) so that we can all see each other.

Families: Please sign up individually and Zoom on your own device because flexible break-out rooms will be part the workshop. Registration fee is $50 per person*; for confidential fee assistance, please contact the Reverend Garrett Yates.

What to Expect

• Experiential activities, presentations, video.
• Individual reflection. ∙
• Small and large group interaction. ∙

* We are grateful to St. Anne’s and to the Diocese of Massachusetts for underwriting a substantial portion of this workshop. If you wish to participate but have concerns about the cost, please contact The Rev. Garrett Yates confidentially.