Lenten resources in St. Anne's Library

Lent is a period of reflection and preparation, so in the words of one of our Jesus Project students, “What does giving up chocolate have to do with that?” It’s a great question, which I’ll leave for you to ponder.

Some people prefer to observe Lent by making room in their day for contemplation, giving to God our scarcest commodities, our time and attention.  If this appeals to you, our church library has many helpful resources. 

If you enjoy browsing, we have a shelf full of daily devotionals (call # 242), another full of books on prayer (call #248) and a collection of previous years’ Lenten Booklets (white magazine holder labelled “St. Anne’s”). In addition, we have a subscription to Sojourners, a terrific magazine about being Christian in the modern world. 

If you prefer a more targeted approach, visit our online library catalog at https://stannes.libib.com/ Click on Tag List in the upper right corner. From there you can search our holdings by topic, such as: Daily Reader, Lent, Meditation, Prayer and Easter

To borrow an item from the library, simply remove the card from the back of the book/magazine. Write your name and when you plan to return it (a month is recommended). Place the card in the gray Checkout Box (it’s below the big red sign that says Checkout in the library). Enjoy!

—Tricia Crockett Co-Librarian