Easter 3 - The Road to Emmaus - Garrett Yates (4/26/20)

“Emmaus can be the one-click purchase, or the pint of ice-cream, the ‘one more drink,’ or the secret lusts or fantasies of the heart. Here is one thing to note from the outset: while the disciples are on their way to intoxicate their sorrows at the Comfort Pub, Jesus doesn’t condemn them.He doesn’t say, ‘why are you going there? Why are you trying to mend your heart with that which can’t mend?’ He doesn’t say any of that. He joins them on their way; as they guiltily slouch towards Emmaus, he accompanies them.” Garrett preaches on the third Sunday of Easter.

Lectionary Readings:
Acts 2:14a,36-41
1 Peter 1:17-23
Luke 24:13-35
Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17