Pentecost 14 - Greg Johnston (9/13/20)

“I have to say, after six months of a global pandemic, I'm in better physical shape than I've been in the last decade.

Like many people, I’ve been working from home on a fairly strange schedule. For most of the spring, I'd usually get up around 6:30 in the morning, drink a cup of coffee and answer emails or work on my laptop until around 8:30, then spend a couple of hours with Murray while Alice was in class. We spent the rainy month of April trading off between wandering around outside and logging on to Zoom. With libraries, coffee shops, and playgrounds closed, going for a run together was one of the few leisure activities we had left, other than playing with the grass clippings outside the Harvard observatory. And so Alice, Murray, and I spent most of the spring running from place to place with our stroller, discovering that a two-year-old makes an inspiring, albeit rude, track coach: “I want you to run faster!”“

Lectionary Readings:

Exodus 14:19-31
Psalm 114 
Romans 14:1-12
Matthew 18:21-35