Epiphany 3 (1/24/21) -- Dr. David Urion

““For the present form of this world is passing away.”

We are now into the eleventh month of COVID-19 lockdown, and while there are some early signs of better days in a distant future, we know that this present way of being, this distanced Eucharist, this not sitting together and worshiping together in the same space, this separation from the ones we love and long to hold and embrace, these shuttered stores and postponed events, all this will continue on for the foreseeable future. In Fauci I trust, and he has told us that until such time as three quarters or more of the citizens of the Republic are vaccinated, accept being vaccinated, we cannot expect an end to this way of being. By the time I am next in this pulpit, after today, we can fully expect that more than a half million of our fellow citizens will have died as a result of this pandemic.”

Click here to read the sermon.

Lectionary Readings:
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Psalm 62:6-14