Last Epiphany (2/14/21) – Garrett Yates

““What world are you living in? Have you ever just wanted to blurt that question out to someone? Say when someone is just blind to those around them, say when you are watching the news – maybe even this past week? What world are you living in? I wanted to say it yesterday – I was in line at Donelan’s and the lady in front of me was on her cell phone, talking pretty loud, and even worse she was laughing loudly, like really loud…. “ma’am, we don’t laugh in public; not at a grocery store; it’s COVID. What world are you living in?

I think the Transfiguration is that moment for Peter, when he and James and John have to reckon with the world they are living in.”

Lectionary Readings:
2 Kings 2:1-12
2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Mark 9:2-9
Psalm 50:1-6