Zen for Christians: Starts June 22

Zen for Christians: A Summer Reading & Meditation Series

What is Zen Buddhism? How can Zen strengthen our connection to God/the Divine? How can Zen be practiced by Christians responsibly and respectfully, in a manner that neither appropriates Zen nor violates one's Christian commitments?

In this bi-weekly summer series, we will engage these kinds of questions as we learn about and practice Zen meditation. To do so, we will use Living Zen, Loving God by the Zen-trained Jesuit priest, Ruben Habito, a renowned expert in Christian Zen practice and inter-religious dialogue. Each meeting will be divided into two parts, with the first 35-45 minutes focused on discussing chapters from Fr. Habito's book, and the last 20-30 minutes dedicated to practicing Zen meditation together. Meetings will be hybrid (in-person at St. Anne's and on Zoom) and will meet from 6:30-7:45 pm on the following five Thursdays: June 22, July 6 and 20, August 3 and 17. If you are interested in participating, or have any questions, please email Joe