Join us for two special musical events this Sunday, May 18

Organ Recital

For the past few years, Jay Lane has served as Dean of the Merrimack Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. As his term comes to an end, he’s invited chapter members to St. Anne’s to give their annual Members’ Recital, so they can enjoy our newly-expanded pipe organ. This short, informal event will be on Sunday afternoon May 19 at 2 pm. Please come listen!

 Pentecost Evensong at Trinity Concord

For many years, choirs from St. Anne's, St. Elizabeth's in Sudbury, Trinity in Concord, and Good Shepherd in Acton have gathered in the spring to sing together in a joint service. This tradition stopped during the recent pandemic, but will resume again in a service of Choral Evensong on Sunday, May 19, at 5 pm at Trinity at 81 Elm St. in Concord. Music sung by the combined choirs will include works by Philipp Racliffe, C. V. Stanford, and Everett Titcomb, who was for many years the musician at the Parish of St. John the Evangelist in Boston's Beacon Hill. The service is free and open to all.