Lent 3 (3/7/21) – Garrett Yates

“I had the thought as I was reading this gospel of Jesus angry in the Temple that Jesus might have really benefitted from the clergy wellness day I attended a few weeks back. You know, every now and again, the diocese will offer these conversations for clergy where they will invite us in to talk about our feelings and experience of ministry. And as they go, these gatherings are very helpful. We talk about the weight of stress, and how stress often makes us act out in less than Christian ways – we get irritable, and snippy, and often our anger acts out in us. And we pick up tools from one another on how to cope with these difficult emotions. Take a deep breath. Recognize them, name them, give them space. But don’t fire off that email in the feeling state. Never send that email. Sit with your anger. Don’t act on it. Where were Rabbi wellness days in Jesus’ era?”

Lectionary Readings:
Exodus 20:1-17
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
John 2:13-22
Psalm 19