Lent 4 (3/14/21) – Garrett Yates

“…When I go to the grocery store, just me, I often forego getting a cart or a basket. “I can just carry it all,” I say to myself. This past week I had picked up some frozen pizza, and some ice cream, but then I realized I needed some toothpaste, and a fresh loaf of bread, and ohhh some fruit for my smoothies….both oranges and bananas, and of course I may as well get some garlic while I’m over there. I stood in the long line I’m sure drawing long glances from all the cart and basket users. And my foolishness caught up to me as my hands got cold from the frozen goods and my arms began to get weak, and I dropped the bread, and as I fumbled to retain it, I dropped the pint of Ben and Jerry’s and before I knew it the oranges were tumbling out of their bag running ahead of me. And I immediately had the thought, being the preacher that I am: ah, here is a metaphor.”

Lectionary Readings:
Numbers 21:4-9
Ephesians 2:1-10
John 3:14-21
Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22